1. LED規范列表
CNS 5069 單件半導體裝置之環境檢驗法及耐久性檢驗法–熱沖擊試驗 Environmental Testing Methods and Endurance Testing Methods for Discrete Semiconductor Devices (Test of Thermal Shock)
CNS 5070 單件半導體裝置之環境檢驗法及耐久性檢驗法–溫度循環試驗 Environmental Testing Methods and Endurance Testing Methods for Discrete Semiconductor Devices (Cycle Test for Temperature)
CNS 5071 單件半導體裝置之環境檢驗法及耐久性檢驗法–溫濕度循環試驗 Environmental Testing Methods and Endurance Testing Methods for Discrete Semiconductor Devices (Cycle Test for Temperature & Humidity)
CNS 5072 單件半導體裝置之環境檢驗法及耐久性檢驗法–氣密性試驗 Environmental Testing Methods and Endurance Testing Methods for Discrete Semiconductor Devices (Sealing Test)
CNS 5073 單件半導體裝置之環境檢驗法及耐久性檢驗法–沖擊試驗 Environmental Testing Methods and Endurance Testing Methods for Discrete Semiconductor Devices (Shock Test)
CNS 5078 單件半導體裝置之環境檢驗法及耐久性檢驗法–盬水噴霧試驗 Environmental Testing Methods and Endurance Testing Methods for Discrete Semiconductor Devices (Test of Salt Mist Spray)
CNS 5070 單件半導體裝置之環境檢驗法及耐久性檢驗法–溫度循環試驗 Environmental Testing Methods and Endurance Testing Methods for Discrete Semiconductor Devices (Cycle Test for Temperature)
CNS 5547 單件半導體裝置之環境檢驗法及耐久性檢驗法–高溫保存試驗 Environmental Testing Methods and Endurance Testing Methods for Discrete Semiconductor Devices Test of Storage Under High Temperature)
CNS 6117 單件半導體裝置之環境檢驗法及耐久性檢驗法–耐濕性試驗 Environmental Testing Methods and Endurance Testing Methods for Discrete Semiconductor Devices (Damp Heat Test)
TM-6-96 瞭解并控制對螢光燈系統溫度的影響 Understanding and Controlling the Effects of Temperature on Fluorescent Lamp Systems
TM-10-00 解決連詞與巷道照明侵擾光(市天空輝光和光侵入) Addressing Obtrusive Light (Urban Sky Glow and Light Trespass) in Conjunction with Roadway Lighting
TM-11-00 光侵入:研究,結果和建議 Light Trespass: Research, Results and Recommendations
TM-12-06 照明在中間視覺光譜光對視覺績效水準 Spectral Effects of Lighting on Visual Performance at Mesopic Light Levels
TM-15-07 燈具戶外燈具分類系統 Luminaire Classification System for Outdoor Luminaires
TM-16-05 關于發光二極體的技術備忘錄(LED)的來源和系統 Technical Memorandum on Light Emitting Diode (LED) Sources and Systems
TM-18-08 光與人類健康:關于光輻射對視覺影響概述晝夜節律,神經***和神經行為反應 Light and Human Health: An Overview of the Impact of Optical Radiation on Visual,Circadian, Neuroendocrine, and Neurobehavioral Responses
UL48 電子招牌 Electric Signs
UL153 移動式燈具(手把燈、廚柜燈、桌燈、立燈、壁燈等(皆為帶電源線插頭) Portable Electric Luminaries
UL 496 LED指示燈泡(非ANSI Base,內含驅動電路)
UL588 季節性裝飾產品(圣誕燈串) Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products
UL 924 緊急指示燈、出口燈
UL 935 LED驅動器(可帶LPS/Class 2**迴路)
UL 962 展示柜、鏡燈
UL 1012 LED電源供應器(不帶Class 2**迴路)
UL 1310 LED電源供應器(帶Class 2**迴路)
UL1573 LED舞臺燈
UL1598 LED燈具(臺階燈、崁燈、吸頂燈、吊燈、壁燈、路燈、柱燈等(皆不帶電源線插頭)) Luminaries
UL1786 LED小夜燈 Nightlights
UL1838 LED低電壓景觀照明系統(低壓花園燈[不帶電源線插頭]) Low Voltage Landscape Lighting Systems
UL1993 自整流燈及其燈座(LED燈泡[ANSI Base,內含驅動電路]) Self-Ballasted Lamps and Adapters
UL2108 LED低電壓照明系統 Low Voltage Lighting System
UL2388 LED可繞式燈具(水管燈) Flexible Lighting System
UL8750 LED燈具安規標準概述(不含驅動電路) Light emitting diode (LED) light source for use in lighting products
UL8750 發光二極體安規標準
UL897A LED燈具概述 Outline of Inverstigation for LED Kits
UL 60950-1 LED電源供應器(可帶LPS**迴路)