Lab Companion美狮贵宾会仪器成为尚科思长期合作伙伴!
OSM is a leading supplier to the IT, Telecommunications and Personal Care industries, designing, developing and delivering high quality, environmentally conscious product solutions. We also own several brands under which we sell fashionable, carrying solutions throughout the world. Our headquarters is in Europe, with 15 subsidiaries on 3 continents. Our product development, supply chain management and manufacturing center has about 1,300 employees and is located less than 10 kilometers from downtown Dongguan. We have an exciting and challenging work environment where each employee is empowered to make a difference. We are SA8000 certified and have probably the best benefits in our industry for our employees. Most of our customers are North American, Japanese and European, and almost all of them are fortune 500 companies.
东莞尚科思工艺制品有限公司是一家瑞典独资企业,总部(OSM Group)是一家全球性的多媒体产业零售供应商,所服务的客户包括多个世界知名品牌。而位于东莞市寮步镇的制造工厂(OSM)是集团核心产品的制造基地。
北京美狮贵宾会仪器有限公司(Lab Companion),注册资本1000万元,管理团队来自清华大学。现有东莞、昆山、重庆三大研发制造工厂,专精于环境模拟技术,与中国计量院、中国科学院、国家电网、南方电网、清华大学、北京大学、香港科技大学等科研机构紧密合作。产品包括: 高低温交变湿热试验箱、快速温度循环试验箱、温度冲击试验箱、步入式环境试验箱、高低温低气压试验箱、精密烘箱、非标环境试验设备定制产品等。